Saturday, November 5, 2016


Hello friends, followers, fellow writers,

I am taking a break from posting during the month of November in order to conquer the beast that is NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month.

During November I'll be working on a first draft of a novel, aiming for 50,000 words. And I've got to say so far, so good. Also, if you enjoy writing or what to see if you enjoy writing then you should participate as well.

It's free to sign up and participate. Go to and sign up. Then start writing. Write at home, at your library, coffee shop, McDonald's, park, museum, wherever. Just write! If you're looking for a writing community you've come to the right place as well. You can join a local region and attend write-ins with other Wrimos (nanowrimo participants).

Thank you if you've been steadily reading and checking is as I've gotten this blog started. I appreciate the views and comments.

See you all on December 1st - unless I reach 50k sooner.


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